The Business Development Centre

an incredible fusion of international talent based all over the world

what sets us apart
Image of people playing water

the unconventional approach

We are characterised by our resilience and our approach to the motto that has been with us since childhood: 'I either play or I annoy'. We question what is taken for granted, are driven by curiosity about the unknown and embrace every new challenge with enthusiasm. Our strength lies in our ability to adapt to changing market demands.

gears for connections

diversity of experience

The effectiveness of our network comes from the diverse experience of our professionals. We have a broad knowledge base from a variety of sectors. This diversity enables us to create out-of-the-box solutions that deliver results in otherwise difficult times and in difficult ways.

shaking hands image

strategic links

Our global network gives us access to key people and indirect connections that enrich our perspective. Connectedness is key, allowing us to approach challenges with a broader vision and seize unique opportunities.

about us

Over the years, we have developed strong and lasting relationships that allow us to make a significant impact on a global scale.

The Business Development Centre, headquartered in Bratislava, is the meeting place of an internationally dispersed group of professionals, the result of more than 30 years of active participation in the global business landscape. This international network of talent reflects our long history of relationships and partnerships built with care and dedication.


  • Resilience: We face challenges with determination.
  • Curiosity: we continually explore uncharted territory and challenge established conventions.
  • Empathy: we understand our customers’ needs and are deeply committed to meeting them.
  • Thirst for novelty: we are driven by the desire to innovate and embrace new solutions.
  • Constant challenge: we embrace every new challenge with enthusiasm, always striving to excel.

The geographical diversity of our relationships is not only the result of our extensive presence, but also a testament to our ability to build bridges between different cultures and skills. This established network, developed over decades of international experience, gives us a distinct advantage in providing tailored solutions and successfully meeting the challenges of an ever-changing global marketplace.

I am impressed by how they have been able to initiate such meaningful collaborations with such ease.

Andrea Biagini, owner, Prolam Srl

Some companies we thank for the trust placed in us

ready to start?